Ear Syringing & Cleaning

We have a modern machine at our surgery so that we can provide a valuable ear syringing service. Ideally, you should introduce a little olive oil into your ear for a couple of days before undergoing the simple procedure as this softens any problematic wax which is lodged in your ear canal. The best way to achieve this is to pop a few drops of olive oil into the ear and plug it with some cotton wool. At your appointment, we will syringe your ears with a small applicator introduced into the ear canal which washes the ear with warm water under pressure. The procedure is easily tolerated and not painful. We syringe both ears as a matter of course. If we are unable to completely remove the wax first time, we will make another appointment for you to come back – again, pop some olive oil in your ear for another couple of days and we will re-syringe them (there is no charge for the second treatment).

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